Bill McNeal

If you can source, prepare, and serve a steak as well as a high end steakhouse can, then you’re already at a level where preparing other dishes at high levels of complexity is well within your grasp. You can handle things like salting and resting, can judge which cuts best and generally have experience that says

Counterpoint: Nearly every argument applies to nearly every restaurant.

I don’t think it is fair to complain about markups at steakhouses or to just gloss over the fact that you are getting Prime beef which you usually can’t find. Look at the price of a bowl of pasta in a restaurant. You can buy a pound of pasta and a can of tomatoes for about $7 even if you get the good stuff. That feeds

Nope. I cannot make a good steak myself. I have never learned and I like going to steakhouses. The local one I love, they sear in like an 800 degree broiler, mmmm!

Sure, but when I go flinging salt at a steak from standing eye level at home I just get yelled at to clean it up. Can’t put a price on having some wanker do that for you. 

Umm Russia is currently killing 10's of thousands innocent civilians. Anything that starves their war machine is a good thing. Fuck your view is gross.

Yeah you don’t get to cry about “Russophobia” when Russia is brutally invading a country, sorry asshole.

I think the devs who made it mainly do iOS stuff these days, it’s a bummer cuz I loved 3d Dot Game Heroes.  Tunic reminds me of it a bit.

A port for the current gen consoles would be enough for me.

Uh.... Is it also unfair to pick apart a almost 10 year old car Model S cars from Tesla now for its shoddy build quality?

Lol, no it isn’t “unfair”. Tesla showed this at a semi-public event and let people record it. How is that unfair?

Your favorite insufferable young-adult fiction protagonist is back to whine and r/im14andthisisdeep his way through another convoluted quest to save... something, and push back against the most powerful force of evil in the Disneyverse: puberty.

They should go full union anyway. You never trust a company this morally bankrupt anything. This affects the bottom line or money in their pockets and no executive wants that.

This comments section is making my black heart DANCE.


Well, on the bright side, SNK’s dismemberment animations should get a lot better.

Jesus that’s dark

If you thought the industry was hostile to journalists before, just wait until SNK starts inviting reviewers to their embassy in Turkey!

picturing “Pathfinder” already.

*shocked Pikachu meme*