
Although giant robots look neat, they are completely impractical as military machines. There are way too many vulnerable parts.

The wild and wacky world of DIY submarines sure seems bereft of interesting photos.

Why does the hole need to be 8 feet deep? He could have achieved the same effect with a hole just 8 inches deep. Vantablack is what makes it invisible.

Thanks for the hat tip, Rob.

Your correction would be more effective if you understood the difference between “your” and “you’re”.

“I wouldn’t use it as a full-time standing desk—you’d want your screen to be at eye level for that.... 

“I wouldn’t use it as a full-time standing desk—you’d want your screen to be at eye level for that.... 

I had a rental Challenger. They called me last week and asked for their car back because of the recall. I had a sad face.

I’m glad to see the experts discuss bio-films as a health hazard. I had to deal with black mold when the a/c in the building I was working in failed to properly dehumidify the air in the system. During the summer months, moisture would build up inside the ducts and the mold would grow. When winter came around, all the

My hispanic wife just watched it. The woman was the driver’s mother. My wife tells me the last thing the mom says is “I told you to take out the garbage.”

Kudos to the first girl. Her “holy crap” was perfectly on beat. She should consider changing careers and become a backup singer.

I can’t believe she actually has her sandal in her hand. My wife’s hispanic and we always joke about her breaking out the chanclas, but she’s never actually pulled off her shoe!

It doesn’t look like they controlled for moisture level. It’s been shown that wounds kept moist heal up to 50% faster.

And then there’s the guy that opens A with B to send to printer C but forgot that he opened X with Y and sent to plotter D the day before and the print drivers decide that D is the new default printer so A opened with B gets sent to plotter D. Then I walk in the next day and find 50 ft. of a giant-sized Word document

Two months after my daughter was born, my in-laws INSISTED that we must come to their house for Christmas. It’s a fairly tolerable five-hour drive which we made every couple of months. No big deal, right? On the way down, I played it smart by loading the car the night before. We left the house the next morning at

And if it was purchased Friday, there’s a good chance he didn’t have insurance. It happens all the time at my uncle’s agency. Dude buys his first supercar on Friday or Saturday and assumes his insurance covers his new car because in many states, you have 30 days to add your new car to your policy. Come Monday, he

Back in college, we had 24/7 access to one of the first computer labs set up in a dorm. It was filled with networked (!) Macintoshes. Yeah, I’m old.

I would like to see how its aerodynamics compare to all of the other streamlined HPV bikes that weren’t designed by AI.