
Mom? She had a 1965 Mustang like the one below, but this was before I was born.

Did the two halves stay together? If they didn’t, be sure to check the flanges and the clamp for damage. It may be another explosion waiting to happen.

All the right questions, but you have the wrong guy to answer them. It was a summer gig when I was 19 years old. I was doing well to master the proper sweeping technique. We were half-way through the summer before I was trusted with back-flushing the pools with sand filters. They didn’t let me touch the DE systems for

I wonder what’s killing it more, aerodynamics or the tires. The Challenger I have weighs about the same as the Jeep, but has delivered 24 mpg (combined) over the last couple of months. That’s with me trying to beat my last 0-60 time at every opportunity.

Powerful pump plus pool filter = bomb. I spent a summer cleaning pools. I was partnered up with a full-time guy and was basically his helper. He always warned me about how dangerous the filtering systems could be, but one day he accidentally put together a live demonstration. We were working on a diatomaceous earth

When my wife and I first married, she was working in one city and I was in grad school in a different city. We picked a house between the two. It was 35 miles to her office, 85 miles to campus. Both trips took an hour and fifteen minutes.

I think you replied to the wrong thread....

There was a company called Hyperion that planned to develop neighborhood or street-sized power plants. It’s not clear how those worked out, but I see they changed their name and are promoting a much larger system. I can see why - their original package plant was volume priced at $25M apiece.

Donuts? Bah! That’s nothing! Try milk.

Casings: The containing unit of a cartridge or round. It holds the gunpowder, the projectile(s), and has a built in primer (for igniting the gunpowder). Usually made of metal for rifles and handguns, plastic for shotguns. Sometimes called a “shell.”

Two have risen to the top of my list:

The Typing of the Dead. It’s a typing tutor crossed with a zombie shooter. It’s the best way I’ve found to improve your typing skills while saving the world from the zombie scourge. 

Discount the deaths due to car wrecks caused by kangaroos if you wish, but there’s no denying that the ‘roos are out to get you:

The original question did not limit the deaths to attacks. One of the experts even said “In Australia, it’s kangaroos—because of the auto crashes they generate.”

You can tap out your own code in iOS. Screw learning Morse, just make your own special beat for your favorite people.

Dang. Now I have another reason to learn Morse code (and feel bad for not doing it).

This can also be done for different kinds of alerts - texts, email, emergency, etc. I find this super-handy when working in groups where everyone has placed their phones on the same table. I instantly know if it’s my phone by the triple buzz. Everyone else is using a single buzz, so they all pick up their phones when

That’s right. Many people are conflating the enzymes with the bacteria that produce them. The click-bait headline doesn’t help. Now if a new strain of bacteria is developed which has the capability to produce this enzyme, may be in for some trouble.

Now we know where they got the idea for Aunt Fanny.