
I used to like yellow cars. Then I moved to Baton Rouge, the land of purple and “gold” (thanks, L.S.U. knuckleheads). You can’t swing a stick without hitting a yellow car. I swear half of Dodge’s inventory of cars painted Yellow Jacket or Plum Crazy were sold here in Baton Rouge.

There is another way! Don’t start the app until you are several miles from your house. This puts a crimp on recording the full length of your activity, but it sure does make it hard for Strava to know where you live.

Swap “Stadium” in for every instance of “Amazon” and you have a clear argument against every tax-payer built stadium in the U.S.

I thought I was the only kid who did that. Hello, friend!

Blocking the tracking scripts isn’t enough. You will have to try harder to beat the system. Every computer has a fairly unique install of hardware and software. Combine those signatures with the IP address(es) you present to the web and you can be readily identified. This information can be pulled from your system

The only way to truly avoid Google and Facebook is to disconnect yourself from the internet, smash your phone, and live under a rock for the rest of your life. Even if you don’t have a Google account and don’t use Chrome, they have a profile on you. The vast majority of advertising on the net is hosted or placed by

Berkeley. Yeah, that makes sense.

Wait a minute, I didn’t do any research into the ownership of Cats and Volvos. Mine was about Whippets and trucks.

Link or it didn’t happen.

Perhaps he needs to get a truck. No one bats an eye at the sight of a dog in the back of a truck.

In most states, taking defensive driving keeps the ticket off your record. That means no points on my license and a big difference in my insurance rates. My insurance company also offers a discount if you take defensive driving every couple of years. They never ask why you took the class, they just take the

I’ll admit that I’ve been to court many times, especially in my younger days. Back then, I went to defensive driving every year to get rid of tickets (one year I went twice - the law only allowed once per year, but the judge said it was ok as long as he ordered it). In all those years, everyone was given the same

I love all the rich guy equals light sentence comments. I’m not rich, but when I was nabbed for 20+ over (speed trap on an interstate), I asked for defensive driving and received it. No dings on my license and I just had to pay for the class and court costs. Everyone in the courtroom was doing the same thing....

Hennesey thinks Mr. Gales is an amateur.

Who needs a rope?

We never bought an infinite supply of darts, so every time one of the kids got a nerf gun for a birthday, it was only good for a few days before all of the darts disappeared.

You should also remind people to send them off one at a time or make sure that one is filled and packaged up before a second kit is opened. My wife’s cousin got kits for her and her husband, then accidentally switched the tubes before shipping them back. She had a hell of a time trying to figure out why the results

No, he has a time machine to power.

Remember when we thought the future was backyard reactors? Like my flying car, it’s still always two years away.