
Some day I will need to post the video of our visit to Boulder. I rented a dodge stratus so I could take my wife for a drive in the mountains. I thought it would be fun to have her video the drive back down. We got in behind a local driving a lifted crew cab F-250 with a camper on the back. The car was far more

A friend of mine had a mature iguana that could lash you pretty good with it’s tail and wasn’t shy about using it either.

Only if you don’t mind your nose and ears getting trimmed at the same time.

Hollywood is demanding that we redefine the word “actor” to mean any person of any gender who is acting. Why should we reconsider the use of a gender-specific pronoun in one context when we are actively redefining the use of other gender-specific pronouns in another?  

“That’s a chick car!” - Said to every Miata owner ever.

The leaf blower that I had would mulch the leaves in vacuum mode. I’m not sure if they make one that doesn’t.

If he embedded a steel BB in the center of each foam ball, pickup would be easy with a large magnet.

Scientists know that women defecate too. The limitation of a particular study to one sex is usually about controlling variables.

While they may not track in real time, they can identify where you’ve been and when you might have been there. We use software to coordinate inspection photos with just a simple snapshot of a GPS screen at the beginning of the inspection. From that point forward, we can trace the GPS data, including the time, and

I don’t doubt this is true for your undergraduate work, but this is an exception, not the rule. Smart people rarely realize that they are smart enough to get by without the same level of effort. It may also be that your professors didn’t have high enough expectations. I come at this from two perspectives - as a former

Don’t be so short-sighted, bro. Some Caddies are XTREME!

You can’t expect to learn everything you need to know for a particular class in the lectures. The books are there for a reason. You’re supposed to read them and come to class prepared to discuss the material.

Perhaps you need to reconsider. After all, you’re wrong about the turkey.

Now playing

Let’s not forget, everything is Pachelbel.

Your comment was cropped a little more than I intended. Let me try this again:

“Houston is far too inland to see storm surge.

*pssst* the name’s Buck.... :)

*pssst* um, no. Rainwater is from evaporated seawater. The evaporation process leaves the salt behind.

Flooding during hurricanes typically involves storm surge and rainwater, but in this case, the vast majority of the flooding was due to rainwater, not storm surge. There was very little salt water involved.

The flooding was entirely rainwater, not storm surge. There was no salt water involved.