John Bastion

The new Caravan Palace album, <|°_°|> (some people call it Robot, those people are wrong). I'm not sure I enjoy it as much as their previous albums, but it's upbeat and fun.

I think I'm finally at the tail end of Witcher 3, of course I finish it up just as my new graphics card is on the way… I'm saving the DLC to play on the new card though. It's been a blast, but I'm glad to have a break before Fallout 4 which I predict will consume me more than I thought possible.

Continuing my horror month. Lagging more than a bit (5 days behind now) I won't bother posting the whole list this week, but over the weekend I watched It Follows and You're Next both of which I really liked.

Ah! That's terrifying, glad to hear it wasn't TOO serious.

My parents finally had to put our old cat to sleep. She was 19 and was happy up until the end, but that doesn't make it any easier. So fuck that shit.

Agreed no more Other Space is the worst part of this news, I really enjoyed it. Damn you Yahoo! Be a better company!

We're through the looking glass people!

*gets hit with chair*

I ALMOST put this on my list. I knew not underestimate the general public's desire to watch Ken Jeong (or "that crazy Asian dude from The Hangover" as they call him) despite how terrible the show looked! Wooo!

I thought the Shout Factory was just another name for El Dan's basement.

Come on…

Yeah, my DVD is warped in that scene due to all the pausing and rewinding.

If you're going to grow gills you better hope you live close to a Coca-Cola plant. The caffeine really speed things up.

Just Venmo me the money and we'll call it even.

Womp up the jamz!

I was in the audience at the Festival Supreme show where news first "broke" and I thought it was a bit until I started hearing more info.

Just when I think it can't top itself on cuteness there's something new! Like yarn chain chomps, or climbable scarves!

HEY! There's no such thing as a dumb question!

I really enjoyed them all! It Follows was probably the creepiest movie I've watched so far this month. Unsettling, but so good!

That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about alligators to dispute it.