John Bastion

So do alligators grow on trees or bushes?

Hardly left the apartment. I played Witcher 3 and Yoshi's Wooly World (which is so damn cute it makes me want to puke) and I continued my October horror movie marathon with:
The Mist
It Follows
Drag Me To Hell
You're Next
(still 3 days behind, but I'm slowly catching up)

Whenever @PowerThirteen isn't at Weekend Box-Office, all the other commenters should be asking "Where's @PowerThirteen"?

His clothes must have been worth something.

If you're going to Bing something, please use Google.

"I love going on adventures…that involve hunting down and destroying the paranormal forces that threaten our very existence."

I think the B stands for Badass!

Unconventional Families Week just makes me think of this Birthday Boys sketch:

Goo goo ga JORB!

Invert the floppy! Quick!

That does actually sound pretty cool.

Yeah, it was pretty sad when they closed. They were around 67 years!

But who even remembers Atlantis?

The cream always rises to the top. And I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an eighth-grade boy a non-traditional entertainment distribution platform.

*takes a drag from a skinny cigarette*

WOW. That's awesome! I've been curious about the "Day/Pool Parties" during Coachella, but I'm always attending so it's not worth it to even try getting in to one of those things when I paid to go to the real festival. That sounds incredible though.

I complete forgot I saw FlyLo in the dome that year! It seems like he's always at Coachella haha. I'm very jealous of your other years. Here's to hoping we get a Daft Punk appearance!

He wouldn't do that, stop being a Paranoid Android.

The year Prince played was the first year I went and I've gone every year since. Yeah the crowd has (in my opinion) gotten increasingly worse due in part to people who just go for "the experience". If you just accept that and know what you're doing though it's a fun experience. I'd also like to mention most of the…

Album version of Identikit or GTFO!