John Bastion

They must have had a lot of Coke.

Ancient Atlanta was more than just a Delta hub! It was a vibrant metropolis, the equal of Paris or New York.

Oh thank god!

Third dimension? Haha sure buddy!

Heh check out this guy, he thinks he can trick me!


It's mainly Jamie Lee Curtis.

It's unrelated to his actions, but I know the restaurant Billy's where he did the "neighborhood toilet" thing is closed now. I used to go there every couple months.

The A.V. Club

Netflix and chill feel depressed.

I've been having more issues than usual with Disqus being really slow or not loading for me without multiple page refreshes all day. I thought it was just my shitty internet.

I thought I liked Frank Lloyd Wright, but I was wrong Frank Lloyd Wrong.

She called my vanity license plate inscrutable!

Y Men Can't Jump

I feel like people have been hiding it from me all my life or something. There will be much more in my future.

Thanks for the tips! Next time I'm using lard and I'll add some cabbage to the mix!

Ow, my feet!

No one will ever believe that.

Scarlett Johansson can butt in to my life anytime.

*bangs head against table*
*passes out*