John Bastion

Cronenberg, but I do want to go back and watch the original now when I have some time.

I didn't, I used vegetable oil, but I'll have to try lard in the future!

I made schnitzel for the first time and it came out alright! I made some with veal and some with pork, I preferred the veal but the pork didn't come out awful either. I wasn't sure what to have as a side so I just whipped up some mashed potatoes. Success!

Drunk RadioCat never does anything nice for me. He hides things in a spot he'll "never forget" He also leaves me notes that make no sense and one time he even tore down the mirror from the bathroom and hid it. Asshole.

Of course when I try to do a horror movie month my work load picks up. I'm still trying to do a movie a day I haven't seen but I'm a little behind.

Die Antwoord Edition Shuffle!

Upvote for Empty Threat which I was just listening to on my way to work, SO good.

This made me so ridiculously happy. These are the type of late night shenanigans I can get behind!

*nonchalantly smokes a cigarette as @Geats:disqus writhes in pain*
Don't blame me, blame Obamacare!

@TheRadioCat:disqus to continue to ignore all medical dramas

Hey web-head, do us all a favor and Turn Off the Dark!

"already dead inside"
The A.V. Club

The Immortal Bard, Will Smith, put it best, "Parents just don't understand"

I'm not a parent but I still wrote in to complain for that reason.

Uh, I'd also like to express my hatred for that particular fuckface.

He's a loose cannon damn it!

Hand in your badge and your gun. You're suspended!

♪Who let the stop-motion dogs out?!♪

Yes, silly…