John Bastion

To be fair, lying to drunk people at parties is really fun.

I've heard worse ideas!

Let's throw in Lucy, Daughter of the Devil for good measure.

Yeah, it's not that they're bad beers but I can do maybe one or two during the season and I'm set for the year.

I'm gonna spin until I fall down!

Fuck the two hour conference call I just got off of that's going to make life even more difficult because people are idiots.

This is a reminder for anyone that is interested, Star Wars Battlefront's Beta starts tomorrow. I've just finished the pre load on my computer and I can't wait to try it out!

I'm not much of a pumpkin beer guy so I haven't had any yet. I had Stone's 19th anniversary beer Thunderstruck IPA. While not their best beer it's still pretty tasty!

Why didn't they call it Nosferat-brew? Seems like a missed opportunity.

Aren't we all? *hic!*

I'm continuing my daily horror movie watch for the month, but I've only finished up until day 5 because I've been really busy. I'm going to have to do some catching up in the next day or two.

I am

Arcade's not here man.

Where's the sequel to Eli Roth's Snapchat horror movie? Does no one remember that? Good.

Hunting for Witches is such a jam. It's hard for me to decide between Silent Alarm and A Weekend in the City as my favorite but I might have to give an edge to SA for having some personal significance. Anything after those two I don't really care for and I couldn't keep up with all the hiatus/getting together/break

You fool! This is how the robotic uprising begins, you've doomed us all!

You cannot blast alcohol out of a gun, the technology just isn't there.

And 100% less jokes!

I'm desperately trying to find one of my friends who has Starz to mooch off because I don't have cable, but the date is coming fast and I've made no progress. I NEED Ash vs. Evil Dead.

He thinks he's better than us, let's get him!
*brandishes 2x4 with a nail in it*