John Bastion


Even the controversial Clue in the Clock book?

Define "fun"

Well at least no one is trying to kill me. So that's a relief.

You forgot to mention they're larger than a typical marmoset, they're YUUUGE!

Ben Carson Shattering Stereotype About Brain Surgeons Being Smart


Ol' Ben "Satan invented evolution" Carson

Speaking of gold, have you seen Trump's hair?

I love this sketch so much.

The new Doughboys may have been the best podcast I listened to last week. It's slowly becoming one of my favorite podcasts. I also have to give a shout out to Maltin on Movies which I don't see talked about too much. I saw it on the Howl app, decided to give it a shot, and I really enjoyed it. I'm going to delve in to

Beema likes ElDan!

It's odd I hadn't heard anything really about Let Me In either, and just kind of ignored it because I assumed it wouldn't be on par with the original. Last week I listened to The Canon episode and by coincidence ended up listening to Maltin On Movies where they discussed it as well. And I have to say I'm at least

When they cry in unison it's almost a chant.

*more chanting*
Guy Incognito II likes ElDan!
Guy Incognito II likes ElDan!

*children chant*
ElDan likes Judy!
ElDan likes Judy!


Will she have glasses off and hair down or glasses on and hair up?

They still have good ones every once in a while but I've cut back significantly because I can't give a shit about a lot of indie games.

I'm worried what will become of my life when Fallout 4 comes out. I'd like to think I can balance my life and that game but I'm sure that one will suffer due to the other. If push comes to shove, my life can suck it Fallout is way more interesting anyways!