John Bastion

That's a tough one… I grew up playing SMB but I'm not sure I ever beat it. I got pretty good but I was still young so it was tough, not sure I ever beat it without using warp zones. Overall though I have to go with Mario 64. It's probably the one I know the best and have played the most. I loved everything! Jumping in

Scott could have told him what questions to ask people like:
How much money do you make?
What number are you on the call sheet?
How you weigh?

Fine…I'll respect your wishes.

Heh heh heh. No respect, indeed.

*draws penis on @milkproofrobot:disqus 's forehead*

But that's not soon enough!

Black mirrors reflect like this.
But white mirrors reflect like this!

"life being ruined by streaming movies"
The A.V. Club

And I'll buy that one too.

"Maybe we should spend more time with @disqus_pMhFjdowA1:disqus . He's becoming isolated and weird."

Three cheers for Bojack! It's become a comfort show for me, I was having some kind of stressful stuff going on so here I am rewatching the series…again.

I spent a good portion of this weekend either drunk or hungover.
Watched all of iZombie on Sunday/Monday. I wasn't totally on board at first because it just seemed so procedural but by the end I was really enjoying it. There was one episode where there were references to both 30 Rock and Game of Thrones, after that I

Well I didn't know there was a word for that…now I do.

*stabs tiny flag in to Dikachu's eye*

If you were to beat the shit out of Trump he would just be a pile of skin.

These politicians are on a late night show, they're so relatable and hip!

Existing is a thing!

OOH thanks for the heads up on the Scheer/Zouks/Scott one. I've kind of fallen off listening to DLM but that's one I'll definitely check out!

DOUGHBOYS! I've been pushing that podcast since it's early days and it's so fun! I'm glad to see others are picking up on it,

Exactly! Even though I usually die in sandstorms I take that risk, because when I've survived I've been able to almost completely redo my car.