John Bastion

I think some of the reviews were unfairly harsh, but if you like Mad Max it's worth at least checking out.

I'll give it another shot, thanks!

I started trying to watch iZombie last night, I didn't finish the pilot because of sleepiness and distractions, but is it worth keeping up with? The pilot didn't really grab me but I know it's just the pilot.

Bending over to pick up a beer is almost exercise!

Exactly! To me it almost felt like people wanted it to be bad. There are ways they could improve it, but just because it doesn't reinvent the wheel doesn't mean it's any less of a great game. I did see one review that was criticizing that he can pick up so much scrap. Really? It's pretty much just a currency, that's

I'm kind of surprised to see Season 3 so low on the list, that was probably my favorite early season. The more I think about it though, ranking them at all would be hard for me because I love the show so much and it's pretty damn consistent. Your top 10 episodes list is fantastic!

It's been all Mad Max all weekend here. Picked up Mad Max: Fury Road, already watched it once and I'm really tempted to watch it again but I'm going to try and catch it when it hits IMAX next week since that sounds fucking awesome. I've also been playing Mad Max the game which is has been a blast. There's a lot to do

I had heard good things, but I didn't expect it to be THAT good. Loved it!

You'll be the first to know if I ever wind up across the pond!

Safe travels! I'm so jealous! Ever since I visited I've wanted to move there. Maybe some day…

Oh man, that achievement point thing would kill me. I'm enjoying the game the more I get in to it, there's quite a bit to do.

*brutally rips apart the kids like a feral animal*

It plays more like Shadow of Mordor or the Arkham games, but the world is pretty much Fallout with cars minus the 50s aesthetic. I'm not sure why it is getting the negative reviews, I think as long as you don't mind the gameplay style and you enjoy the Mad Max universe you'll probably enjoy the game.

This weekend I'll spend most of my time playing Mad Max. I've spent a little more time in it and I'm having a lot of fun. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's a solid game that runs great on PC and looks fantastic. If I take a break at some point I'll try out one of the Double Fine games I bought in the Humble Bundle

There were a handful of Double Fine games I've been interested in for a while so this sale was great for me! I picked up Grim Fandango Remastered, Broken Age, Stacking, and Hack N Slash (which came with a free copy of SpaceBase DF-9) all for $10 something. I haven't tried any of them yet, but that sale was too good to

I'm SO excited for this album to finally come out. I've been really enjoying all the tracks they've been releasing so as long as the rest of the album maintains that quality I'll be listening to this many many times.

We're going to be taking a lot of damage in there, we need some one who knows what they're doing to heal!

One day they just played Turning Japanese by The Vapors on a loop.

Time to bone up…

Relevant because of Keith David and Community: