John Bastion

"A Cinematic Universe divided against itself cannot stand."

Don't apologize, it makes you seem weak!

Woah, this follows my Mr. Robot journey almost exactly. I even started it this weekend and caught up in time for the finale, but I'm on board with the title now.

Some days Euron some days you're off.

More like Ballapalooza.

I'm ball droid, I gotta roll on outta here!

It only made them more powerful! RUN!

Sound Test: Check one. Check two. Check three. Check four. You check me like the water in El Salvador.

It really is a gorgeous show. I'm normally hesitant when I hear a lot of hype about a show, but after finally checking it out it's one of those rare occasions where I felt it wasn't being oversold. If anything I was under sold! Those last couple episodes…

I'm also disappointed the Sklars don't live in Pinebrook, I would have loved to see them pop up occasionally and stir the pot.

Oooh, now a pumpkin cider I can get behind. It sounds delicious!

When I say Adult Swim programming I mean their original shows, the only thing the reruns are good for is paying the bills.

That means they're working!

Not a fan! I've had some that were okay, but nothing has ever blown me away.

Is it weird I actually thought about you when I made them? I spend too much time here.

Well…you can't beat the price!

I've been drinking G&Ts like nobody's business. It has resulted in me getting unexpectedly drunk multiple nights this week and now the gin is gone. So I'm going to take it easy this weekend and probably just kick back with some beer. I'm planning on stopping by the nearby Stone company store and getting a growler fill

Sold! I love me some Adult Swim programming.

Yeah, I've heard some complaints about the gameplay being too much like other games, but I don't really care because I like that style and just exploring the wastes seems like a blast.

Wait really?! That's idiotic. I didn't know they could limit what you watch depending on your device… I was actually thinking I might try out this new option so I could stream from my PS3 to the big screen but this worries me.