John Bastion

I knew it! *repents*

Mad Max! I haven't played too much and I'm still on the tutorial, but I think I'm going to enjoy this game. It's my "distract me from thinking about Fallout 4 until Fallout 4 is out" game.

No one bothered to tell me that Surfer Blood had released a new album, so I'm listening to that and it…well it sounds like more Surfer Blood. I liked the other albums and I like this one even if their sound is pretty much the same.

I played a bit last night and I've been having fun so far. I'm still kind of in the first "tutorial zone" so I'm sure things will be different once I get past that but so far so good!

As Mulder once said, "I want to believe" but deep down I know that chances are this is it. I think the fear I have is just the inherent fear of the unknown but I've been trying to come to terms with my mortality since I was a child.

I'm a huge Bojack fan, but I 100% recommend binging it. As echoed just about everywhere on the web, the early first season can turn some people off but it gets so good. Lots of great background gags too.

Oh right…in that case I would also like to tack on pumpkin cookies, but only if there is whipped cream involved.

After tomorrow it's a four day weekend for me! Wooo! Gonna play Mad Max until my eyes bleed.

The only things pumpkins should be used for are carving, smashing, and replacing your head if it gets chopped off.

Mr Robot! I burnt through the whole series last weekend in order to catch up for the finale. I'm loving it!

You can give a little more if you're feeling generous *wink*

First time I've seen it!

Thank you! Don't forget to tip your wait staff!

So if Matt Damon is returning to the series after Renner took over does that mean he's…


Entertainment Tonight knows how to whip up interest in a story.

Wimmy wham wham wozzle!

Old men yell at…something

"The only thing I can guess is somebody else must have gone into the bathroom, put my clothes on, shit in them, and left it there. That is the only logical explanation.

There's only one kind of dance, the robo-dog.