John Bastion

I agree that there's no need to reserve digital unless there's a good deal or it comes with something that makes it of value to you. For the most part I wait for games to drop in price too because of my extensive backlog, but sometimes I want to be in on the ground floor for something.

I know I should steer clear of some of the reddit comments, but that's how I found out I could get that same Mad Max deal on GMG and there was also a pricing error with it so I was able to get Battlefront for 50% off as well. But yeah, if I can get a good deal that probably won't even be beaten in the first year of

Roger Rabbit could fill in, he's not doing anything.

“The ‘Borderlands’ games don’t pull any punches, and we’ll make the movie with the same in-your-face attitude that has made the series a blockbuster mega-franchise.”

I'm in the market for a Wii U memory upgrade as well. I think that 1 TB would probably be overkill as well. I was looking in to 120 GB ish, I can't see myself getting that many games digitally.

Exactly, I can't say I would ever have pre-ordered Mad Max or Battlefront if I hadn't gotten 50% off both of them and had a little spare cash.

My margarita download has been paused at 79% for two hours now.

Lionsgate is apparently starting to develop a Borderlands movie (… ). I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I love that world, and Telltale has shown you can do a good story there so a movie could be great.

Bingo! Do some research before you pre-order and just accept the risk you're taking with your choice. Although I don't usually pre-order too often, I can't think of the last time I reserved something I haven't enjoyed because I weigh the options before deciding.

I only pre-order when there is enough incentive. Fallout 4 I wanted the Pip Boy edition and for Mad Max/Battlefront there was a really good deal so I was able to get them both 50% off. If I hadn't gotten such a deal on them I would be waiting for release day.

Ooof, with a track record like that I'd be hesitant too. I normally have maybe 1 game a year that I will pre-order, Fallout 4 was my big one this year, partly because I wanted the Pip Boy edition. I trust that I'll enjoy the game enough to buy it, and if not. Oh well, my bad.

I think I know what you mean. There have been phases in my life where I kind of fall off playing for a bit but so far I always find some new game to keep me going. I've definitely gotten more casual in my game playing but that's partially because I have such limited time now.

A Discussion on Pre-ordering
I've been seeing a lot of (what I think is) unjustified hatred towards pre-ordering games. Especially on places like Reddit, the general opinion seems like you're an idiot if you pre-order a game because you're "giving them money for doing nothing and saying it's okay to give you crap."

WAY ahead of you!
*beer burp*

dats y i seid it.

lol fite me

Decepticons all the way!

I was hesitant when hearing about how great it was but I'm totally on board now.

Tropical Freeze had a GREAT soundtrack. I wish I could have heard more of it but I reached my skill limit and got stuck. Then I took a break and forgot how to play so I doubt I'll ever finish it and it will haunt my nightmares for eternity…

My first game I played online I scored 2 goals and was top of my team, the rest of my time has been spent trying to live up to that. I've had a guy call me out and say I suck and lost the game for our team, but hey I am having a blast being a maniac and just smashing my car in to that ball.