
At least that’s a step in the right direction of they call a trans woman a girl.

Especially since, in the original novella, Pinhead’s androgynous and speaks with a feminine voice.

I fondly look forward to all the white dudes recording videos of themselves driving their pickup trucks and yelling about how Girl Pinhead is ruining American society or something.

All groups can be joked about...or should be.

Do you know you're a hateful piece of shit?

Do you think anyone’s stopping Dave from saying this stuff?  Do you think a team of G-Men is waiting to arrest him when steps off stage?

maybe just leave trans jokes to trans people, who have actual insight into their lived experience. stick in your lane and mine your comedy from your own life because that’s a lot funnier than some shit like Chapelle is spewing. Which isn’t even comedy, it’s just him with a lot of resentment.

Your self-censoring makes you look like a child.

I think I’ve heard 12 year old white middle schoolers have this rhetoric, but they usually grow up.

“A trans woman Dave was close with, who opened for him, was bullied so much by her community for saying the above about Dave after working with him, that she killed herself.”

nah, these weren’t even jokes. they were just lazy attempts to justify his issues with outrage culture by doubling down on his transphobia. there wasn’t some amazing insight, and this is a netflix special, not some material he was testing.

You can’t punch down if you don’t believe you’re above them, if you respect them as equals.”

he didn’t even make any jokes. he just went full transphobic.

they can go buy tickets to his shitty show, there is no need for netflix to broadcast this into homes, just pull it.

just pull it, he’s a huge influence on people, this just gives people the green light to be transphobic and claim “they’re just joking”. It’s netflix, it’s a company, it’s not some freedom of speech issue, they can pull it. I don’t know if people realize the level of self harm this will ripple through the queer communi

Chappell is making political statement. Sniveling about how they are just stupid jokes makes no sense. 

jebus, he doubled down on it? Fuckin A he can talk about literally anything he wants to and get paid millions of dollars and THIS is what he’s passionate about? The earlier transphobic stuff really soured me on that special and made me start to reconsider him. Then I watched 8:46 and it wasn’t amazing, but more than

These big baby whiner comics only take these criticisms as proof of their edginess. 

2003 Dave would probably strangle himself to prevent 2021 Dave’s existence if he knew he’d become the sorta asshole who panders to the people who made him quit Chappelle’s Show in the first place.