The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

I think it's less selling multiple copies to once person, and more "ultra-rare" covers that go for several dollars a copy, as well as forcing comic shops to purchase a certain number of copies in order to obtain the various covers.

If this exclusive preview just consisted of the three pages it would be totally fine, but the fact that it's three pages and eight covers kind of irritates me.

I thought several of the scripts were lost in the infamous hard drive failure? Or is that just a rumor for the delays?

There isn't really a demand for any Inhuman comic, no matter what Marvel tries to tell you.

Yeah, I'd say so. It wasn't that scary, but was entertaining enough and often pretty funny.

They're also fascist, genocidal shits, so more like Cardassians.

Bucket boots! I love the bucket boots. More superhero costumes should be influenced by 17th century fashion.

The horror movie Housebound amusingly subverted the evil doll cliche by having the not-at-all-afraid protagonist grumpily smash the crap out of it.

Feingold lost because it was 2010, the year of the Democratic party slaughter. He's polling quite well for 2016, possibly because nobody can name a single thing that Ron Johnson has done in six years.

There is simply no reasonable way to replace Nick Fury with a different character with the same name, job, and eyepatch. You can not do that in a way that could be considered "well-written" by anyone.

But shouldn't "better than the '90s" be something all Marvel comics strive for?

I thought Jean's trial was fine, because it was being held by the Shi'iar, who are completely irrational assholes throughout the metaverse.

It's actually not that hard to make incredibly good-looking people look relatively normal and schlubby. Think George Clooney in Syriana, or, y'know, Theron in Monster.

●●●● does look great, but I almost didn't make it through the review. "The polymerization of the quotidian and the sublime…" Put down the thesaurus, Hennum!

I feel kind of bad for Charles Soule, because he has to write not one, but two Inhuman books no one will care about.

Her objection boils down to the CIA conducting what amounts to a military raid on US soil and hiring a hitman to take down a cartel boss (also on American soil, based on context).

Yeah, I abruptly decided not to make two posts in a row, so I made an edit. (I'm also not a he).

I read Volumes 1 and 2 of Bad Machinery. Vol 1 was a charming and delightful mystery that I enjoyed greatly. Vol 2 was a charming and delightful mystery that was based on the horrifying deaths of several small children. I found the tonal discrepancy very unpleasant.

That title is just so, so bad. Just reading it makes me grind my teeth.

That is disgusting.