The One True Opinion

"Archie Meets The Punisher" before then. At this point, the shock has lost its value.

They already have an "adult" Archie book with the rebooted series they have going (not Afterlife, but regular "Archie"). But maybe this is necessary because he isn't dating his teacher in that one. Also, on a related note, eww.

You heard the lady. Not enough shoes.

Neat. I'll check the library.

Were there Alf Halloween costumes being sold that soon? The show had only been on for two months. Less than that, actually.

How is there more show after this? I thought for certain I just saw the series finale.

"Time's not right when it's hungry."
*throws Snickers into wormhole*
*time restores to normal order*

It's impossible to write a time travel story that has a cover for every gap in logic, that's why. You can bust every time machine tale with a "what if they did this instead." That's the problem with having all of time to work with.

Cameron Howe is gonna sue.

Over 300 coffee shops in Oregon and they pick ONE solitary place to convert. Meanwhile North Carolina gets EIGHT.

Right now? Naw. And I'm holding you to that!

With rental stores there was the cost of labor, the middleman, the staff, etc. Redbox is automated and will let you rent a DVD for $1.25. For some reason Amazon charges over three times as much even though there isn't even the cost of a disc involved.

Indeed, the nice thing about this format is that they can tailor to each taste individually instead of doing what the networks do, which is watering down every show to appeal to the broadest audience possible.

So….when Deadpool was out I thought "nah, I'll wait for streaming." Streaming day has come. Netflix doesn't have it. Hulu doesn't have it. Amazon Prime doesn't either (you can "rent" it from regular Amazon for about $4 which is ridiculous for a vaporlike object). The only way you can stream Deadpool is through HBO.

Thanks to Seth I'm too used to Fox animated comedies being crammed with the laziest stereotypes possible, so when I hear "Indian cartoon family" I instantly think of three people in turbans talking in funny accents, eating very spicy food and working jobs as telemarketers. Ah, and they have a magic carpet!

UFOs were added to the mythos at some point during the original run. So I fully expect, nay, demand aliens in this. It's The CW, they have no excuse.

I can quote that issue verbatim.

I live there; do you hate me too?

Was that the line? My ears heard "He owned a penthouse with Hitler." Which would be worse?