Theodore Bear

мы сделаем это...... I... I mean.. we’ll do it.”

“Inspecting for known issues happens with all commercial aircraft models”

The smartest thing could have done was to complain about the audio quality. “Sorry, hard to hear your questions. These are not as good as ours....”

*Luke “The Fixer” Plunkett couldn’t be reached for comment.

For a few dollars, give it a try. Then you’d be posting about your experience, instead of how you think it’ll be. Sure, we’re all just random Internet commenters here, and we can talk about whatever we want. It’s just my opinion that your experience would be a lot more interesting than what you think your experience

For what it’s worth, I had an Impossible Burger Whopper at Burger King

I know. 99% of the time, the big gang-bangers get busted and then fall over themselves to sell the others out. Last one to squeal is the Kingpin who gets 20-life.

In other news: The justice system is working as intended

I used to work in Customer Support for a F2P gaming company. The amount of money some people pour in is just horrendous. And though the companies are quick to deny this: The more you pay, the better the support you get, and you also get replies a lot faster, they were sorted in the ticketing system from most-paying to

Yet another reason why healthcare shouldn’t be tied to employment ...

Sorry, what did you say? 

You can play this without Microtransacitons. You’ll just be playing at a much slower pace. 

Seriously, this thing sounds like it's arriving hot. Might be best to wait for the first volley or updates. 

More likely a veiled allusion to how much reporting Kotaku has done on Randy Pritchford’s bullshit.

“Security Concerns”

Hulk Hogan strikes again.

The way to gain access to the game is to have Randy do a magic trick for you.

Why not both?

Oh cool, now do that multiples faster and make the burger $1 instead of $6 and tell me how long your business is profitable then. You showed one niche system with a finite number of options that still required people to stock it and cook other items. The machine also has no CIP system so needs to be cleaned by human

I skipped the skip. Very meta of me.