
The Fisk of Netflix’s Daredevil was a refined public figure draped over a hideous monster, but the character in Hawkeye seems less complex. He keeps a tacky office in a cheap warehouse, and stomps his way though a public emergency. Hawkeye seems to be the only one who knows who he is and is worried about his

The internet makes it easy for a tiny subset of people to appear as if they’re the overwhelming majority.

Terry Gilliam himself has a cameo in that sequence.

Not a cheap shot. That interview implies one reason Lana made the movie, but the movie itself (by this reviewer’s read of it) implies a different reason.

I wouldn’t put it past the filmamkers to have a Otto-May flirting scene, just as a reference to this. Otto’s wife (an underdeveloped character) in Spider-Man 2 was also played by a too-good-for-this actress with a real Marisa Tomai vibe, and with Thanos’s helicopter and Frog Thor making appearances in Loki, the MCU is

And who sits between John and Paul while they’re creating history and READS A NEWSPAPER?!

However, there are examples of NFTs and cryptocurrencies being used in ways that are beneficial to artists and general users.

This feels like the kind of story that could have used some reporting.

Me throwing my hands as wide as possible while turn around on every direction.

Yes! Viggo was a terrifying villain, extremely well portrayed. The plot is well-paced. Fast in exactly the right spots and leisurely where it needs to be.

The original actually has a lot of sketch comedy gags in it. It was half-way to a National Lampoon movie. People remember it as less goofy than it was because it was heavily toned down in the edit (they filmed an entire scene where Murray and Aykroyd play a pair of “Central Park bums”).

Why it’s the same Green Goblin from the last Spider-Man: No Way Home poster. As if to prove that they didn’t lose too much sleep over the film’s marketing, it’s in the same spot and appears to be the same image, too, like they ctrl-C’d the Photoshop layer in the old poster and ctrl-V’d into the new one.

This would be more for small indie developers.

Where do you think digital assets come from? Where do you think they’re housed on the internet? Someone has to create, host, and distribute these things. It doesn’t work by magic.

Some items can only be won during time-limited tournaments. Time as we know represents scarcity in its own right.

I mean, they recast the Hulk.

When people say “you can’t just take an item from one game and make it work in another game” they are talking about just how much work it takes to take a even something simple-sounding to a layperson, like taking a Mass Effect 1 save and bringing it to Mass Effect 2. Your example literally proves the point.

most innovations don’t do something that has never been done before.

that doesn’t detract from the real potential of the technology.

But the key word is current.