
But what do I do if I don’t want to randomly get adult onset autism* from this vaccine?

Agent ZZZ can usually be found at his desk, head down.

But he does wear some cheap sunglass when he’s out on La Grange.

Agent ZZ is just like the worst.

I think it does plot/story work as well. The good guys survive winterfell and they face the choice of having to wait and refortify a weakend base to wait for a 1000000 more undead to come back...or they have to chase down the NK and try to pin him between Cersei and their forces before he has a chance to turn the

Does anyone think that the White walkers are going to pull a move like Rob did at the twins? I am almost willing to bet that when Winterfell gets attached ...there won’t be any night’s king or undead dragon with them, and it will be a smaller chunk of the undead....the good guys will barely survive (not all)....only all I can think of is Master Chief calling Cortana ‘Dead wife’.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that Kowakian Monkey Lizard bone. Now you take this back to you homestead, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a Corellian potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.’

You are assuming that “Skywalker” is a name and not, say, something that becomes a title. I can see Luke Skywalker having such an impact that the word “Skywalker” comes to mean something like “Jedi leader.”

So they actually go seek out Death Star 2 and find Palpatine hanging out with the Ewoks, Colonel Kurtz style.

My guess is that the new Jedi order that will be founded by Rey will abandon the Jedi name and will be called “Skywalkers.”

And that tantalizing Deicide-Pope Thrower matchup is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER.

+ 1, 2, 3 times a lady

I feel like the Mustafa was wasted on the Tuna. If it was Mustafa Gooch-Fant...

Yo, I hear you BUT....What if the Joker was really all the friends we made along the way?

Reminder: This is DeadSpin if you pay attention to 85% percent of the articles absolutely nothing makes them happy and everything sucks.

I wish I had avoided this trailer, very spoilery.

Storm Duck x Truman Peyote is a real Sophie’s Choice situation here...that being said, I’m ride or die with Storm Duck. Storm Duck 4 Lyfe. 

Anyone that voted for Truman Peyote over Storm Duck can go to Hell.

I cannot explain why I feel this way, but Storm Duck is the most awesome fucking name in this region.