Lawyer Morty

Still Got It implies he Ever Had It.

So does the YouTube link. And the table that year. And everyone ever.

Regarding your thoughts on Colorado:

[scans article hoping to find Colorado State mentioned somewhere]

...the greatest threat its dignity is...

Criminally underrated Schefty takedown, here.

I have no idea what’s going on here!


prove it

Boy, talk about putting one’s foot in one’s (Bourne)mouth, right?

Yes it was. Unless a player was wearing some lame purple hat and a t-shirt, I guess.

The depths you went to here... wow. Kudos.

Correct. Less racist AND less title-winning.

The yellow for crowding the ref and gettin’ up in his face, etc? Perfect, needs to be done.

Funny how that correlation seems to prove out more times than not, eh?

Exactly. It’s an even year, why even bother?

Sidebar: Ched and the team were thrown out of a bar on the previously-mentioned preseason trip to Hungary for being rowdy.

Boy, ain’t that the fucking truth.

Holy shit, that’s the best post I’ve read all day. Fucking LOL.

This sounds like something that would happen at Blackpool.