really, herman cain is an evil man. a down right, evil man. and im so glad at the end of django he got the shit shot out of him and then blown to hell.
really, herman cain is an evil man. a down right, evil man. and im so glad at the end of django he got the shit shot out of him and then blown to hell.
you are a crap person without a spine.
does your robo blocker block calls from getting to your voicemail?
let’s kill him and eat him.
honestly, i didnt i glanced through it because i searched “cow farts” and “green new deal.”
joke or not; “cow farts” in relation to it shouldnt have seen the light of day.
i hated will smith’s i am legend, reason being, i cant stand him. and it wasnt a good movie. but i lost it when she died. i can count on one hand how many times i’ve cried watching a movie and that’s definitely one of them.
really, with a face as stupid looking as that, you would think he would be more acquainted with rotten tomatoes being thrown at him.
this. 100%. he let them win.
only a few billion? he’d give more than it would ever need, and then thank them for their time and effort in the spirit of bipartisanship.
im thinking resin. because you cant see bondo - be it grey from the main ingredient or red for the hardner.
keep sausage egg and cheese biscuit. that is 100% comfort food for me.
im positive since we’ve learned so much from giving nancy the house, that if we ever were to retake the senate we would immediately hand it over to chuck schumer.
i’d promise the kids, then i’d tell them their parents can get on me kicking their asses too when im done collecting teeth.
she’s my age, and looks like she was hit by and then ran over by a train.
lol im not reading any of that. i stopped reading their twitter vomit a very long time ago.
those are universes.
leave me alone. im not buying milk and eggs to make new friends.
and cum all over their pants from self satisfaction.