
I agree.

I’m not a “believer” but I still can’t explain that I somehow knew when my now-hisband’s father died. Like, within the half hour. And we hadn’t spoken all night. There’s something to death and life leaving. 

I used “partner.” “Life partner” does sound awkward to me but “partner” was fine. I still use it on occasion even though we’re married now.

So is this just a double JBC?

If I’m not mistaken, Taylor Swift was rejected by the major labels at first and her dad basically funded what was a quasi-independent label in order for her to release her music. I think there were also rumors of payola involved? I’m not sure what is exactly true, either way, Taylor Switf is an outlier b/c country

The best take I’ve read is that Schumer, being familiar with NYC subways, is adopting the familiar posture you adopt when a crazy person accosts you on the subway.  Hunch your shoulders, smile vaguely, don’t make eye contact. 

So, I made the right choice by marrying someone who has matching life goals to mine?

He doesn’t miss her; he misses having things both ways.

Riiiight? I had to knock on a neighbor’s door to tell them to stop screaming at their video game and their response was “well, you don’t have to be such a bitch about it.” I was like “you wake me out of a dead sleep at 2:00 in the morning, I’m gonna be as much of a bitch about it as I want, asshole. Do NOT make me out

Meh. No respectable dude cares about being shorter, heels or not.

I like your story, but it made me lol that in canada the moral of the history lesson is the US are dicks bc here in the US, the moral is WE ARE HEROES YOU MUST LOVE US! It wasn’t until I was roughly in high school and I developed my own history reading that I learned the truth that we are, in fact, dicks.

My husband and I had an experience like that. Looking to buy our first house, and the realtor took us to see a really attractive Colonial. Lots of windows, hardwood floors, wood burning fireplace (!), etc. It was the PERFECT house. Except it hated us, and it wanted us to leave, NOW. I remember vividly every detail of

I’ve had multiple experiences with relatives who have passed away that usually occur via dream. But they’ll always tell me or show me things I wouldn’t have otherwise known about. Occasionally my sister and I will have the same dream about the same person on the same night. I find it comforting that they’re still able

Sorry, this turned out longer than expected. It’s not creepy in the way typical horror stories are, but it’s a story I’ve always wanted to share, and this seems like an appropriate enough forum. My story takes place spring 2000. I was 17 and going through a rough time. One of my older brothers had unexpectedly passed

Follow up: just now, thinking about this story, I went to look at the registry of deeds for the town I grew up in. They’ve got everything digitized now, so I was able to look up the closing paperwork for the house. There, my parents both signed, as did a notary, but the witness section?

My grandmother stayed with us in her last years. Even with two live-in domestic helpers and my mother being semi retired, it was so hard on my mother. I would prolly have pushed Hawking down the stairs if he had the temerity to leave me after wiping his ass for 30 years. Jane Hawking is a better person than  I. 

I just find it funny how everyone blames beer. I like beer. fuck, I probably drink more than my doctor would think to be a sensible life goal.

Even if he were somehow completely innocent and fully exonerated of all accusations, I still don’t understand how anyone could have watched yesterday’s hearing and come away thinking “I want this guy on the Supreme Court.” He is overly emotional, easy to anger, vindictive, and clearly partisan. I can’t ever remember

What do you do when your country can’t even agree on reality?

If a woman had behaved the way Belligerent Brett behaved yesterday she would be finished. That’s why like Dr. Ford, we’re all trained to be “nice ladies” who have to accommodate, demure and smile through all the horse shit thrown at us.