
COPS was insanely popular during its heyday.  Everyone over 35 has seen at least one episode.

These shows should have been cancelled after the First 48 was on the scene when Aiyana Jones was murdered. A&E should have been sued to oblivion for that, really.

lol Blue MAGA. Calling the majority of Democratic voters MAGAs is not a winning approach. Shit, you need traditional Democrats even with direct action and comparing them to MAGAts is not a good look to put it lightly.

Okay, now you should try to convince other voters why defund or abolish is better than reform or dismantling and rebuilding from the top to bottom without being condescending.

But perhaps it is a breath of fresh air that Biden is upfront about his lack of desire to defund the police; others are busy co-opting the “defund the police” message and regurgitating a watered-down, insincere and inaccurate version of it to the public.

The people who agree with Tom Cotton already hate the NYT so there was absolutely no point in printing it. Even if the Times went full Washington Examiner, the audience they’re trying to pander to still would say the Times are a far left rag controlled by George Soros.

Gov. Orval Faubus, a racist Democrat

didn’t one of her costars say that in a tell-all?

There have been rumors that she is an absolute nightmare since her Spring Awakening days.

As long as people keep clicking and commenting so they can pretend there’s actual engagement here, they’ll keep typing garbage takes. That and they’re building up their portfolio for when they apply to Jacobin

He’s looking at that bible like he’s never seen a book in his life.

I’ve been Black for 40 years, I’m well aware that America has always been a repressive, oppressive and corrupt state. But to pretend that both sides are equally bad is dishonest and disingenuous.

He’s holding that bible like he’s allergic to it.

The US is two steps away from becoming a total authoritarian state, we better hope there is an election and a peaceful transfer of power for Biden to attempt to enact his plan.

A literal tyrannical lunatic is about to call up the military to shut down protests but “lol Joe Biden said a stupid”.

Trump’s descent into becoming a full blown tyrant is in overdrive now. All his internal polling is probably indicate that he would lose if a kind of fairish election were held. The GOP will come up with ways to suppress the vote even more than it is now, and Trump will keep testing what evil shit he can get away with.

He’s only going to get worse, especially when the unemployment numbers keep growing and his internal polling keep tanking. Buckle up, everyone.

This is the guy the media breathlessly proclaims “he became president today” every time he stumbles through a pre-written statement at a higher than a third grade reading level.

They’ll never disable the comments, gotta show the world how many people are on their side and praying for them.  And anyway, most of the negative comments are being deleted.

I wonder how many of these racists are also fans who call think “SJWs” ruined Star Wars and how many are weirdo Rey/Kylo fans.  Racist Star Wars fans have an intense dislike for him.