
As a former Austinite, I’m honored we made the cut.

Houston is bigger than Austin because they let black people live there. (Sorry that is some serious inside Austin baseball).

That isn’t the way the electoral college works.

She is 100% correct. I remember well the way slavery, lynchings and the KKK all popped into existence the second Obama was sworn in. Clearly the man is evil!

“nice reminder for those of us that live on the coasts that every single person should get to the fucking polls and vote.”

S/he’s a shitty troll who stumbled on the world’s easiest way to tweak people/divide well meaning people. This happens to be an issue where going in with a lazy troll is fucking deplorable, of course.

I get the inclination. Hell I share it on some level, I’m still frosted that the only person seeing charges from the Eric Garner case is a Black woman who wasn’t even involved in the scuffle with him but they went after her for not controling the asshole who actually killed him. However, the timing (and number of

LPF is a he-troll, and definitely of the Blue Lives Matter variety. He managed to stumble next to a point (that the only time cops seem to get prosecuted, let alone convicted, of these crimes is when those cops are not white men, but the “sacrifice” bit tips his hand that he’s of the mind that it’s unfair for any cops

Sacrificed? That’s a telling choice of words.

YUP. I have pointed that out to every asshole crying “but...PCP!”. PCP makes people eat other people’s faces off. It is a crazy drug that makes people insane. That man was calm. PCP my ass.

No it was because he was crazed on PCP, which we can clearly see by the way he walked slowly and calmly to his car with his hands raised.

LOL! You gotta love white feminism. Fuck all these black people getting killed. Let’s make sure that white women are just as or more powerful than white men, then we can worry about minorities and what not.

Just because male police officers often don’t get prosecuted doesn’t mean we should sweep this case under the rug. We have to change it to “everybody gets prosecuted for killing someone”, not “men and women have equal rights to shoot black people”.

You know what they say: guns don’t kill people, books kill people.

What’s that? Police endangered? Better give them more weapons and less accountability!

I argue that stalling not only endangers citizens but the very police officers states seem to want to protect at all costs. It’s a counter productive choice.

Not if they, whoops, lose it...  videos are released almost instantly when it backs up their narrative.

True but counterpoint: this is the only time I have ever actually understood why other people think Jennifer Lawrence is sexy. Like, for some reason, this time she actually seems to have sex appeal and/or manages to look prettier than she usually does.

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