
Nah, Farrell’s cleaned up his act. He’s been clean & sober for the past 7 years & focusing on raising his 2 kids. Besides, he’s too good for Angie. I saw IN BRUGES again the other night & it still holds up. Colin’s sexy as hell for a short guy & he’ still got some great work in him, if he can find the right roles now

If both spouses aren’t in show business, then they are tecnhically not a “celebrity couple”. It’s easier to stay married if both people aren’t involved in Hollywood.

Exactly! I’ve read Brangelina breakup at 6 different sites just to see if there’s any new info. And this story is better than gossip or any bs reality show because it’s True. I popped a bottle to celebrate when I got home today because I was always Team Jen. I wasn’t a “Friends” fan, but Brad & Jen were my fave celeb

I’m sorry the kitten didn’t work out. There’s still a big hole in my heart from when my Buddahkins died last month — it’s weird being a 1-cat home now. Her sister misses her. I’ve started looking for a kitten. I see cats up for adoption all the time with a note on the cage “This kitty does not get along with other

Then you had a very good vet! Most vets want to spay/neuter kittens at 8-10 wks. old, esp. if you’re adopting from a shelter. But I found out from my vet that it should be done later, @ 6-7 mos. in certain breeds that mature slowly, like Maine Coons. Sterilizing them before 6 mos. can greatly reduce their adult size,

It’s a lot more cruel if she goes out & gets run over by a car or attacked by a dog/fox/coyote. Or gets shot or caught & tortured by some bastard serial-killer-in-training. Believe me, you’re both happier with her being a house cat.

Yes, cats are very much like gun owners in that way. The kill for the fun of it.

THIS^^^. Give this all the starz.

I’m a law-abiding Black woman who feels the same when when I’m in my car. My father was a NYC policeman up intil the mid-1980s, so I grew up trusting the cops. Now, I don’t even make eye contact with police when I walk past them in public places. To many of them are on edge & vindictive nowadays. And I tell all the

Not to take up for that murderous cunt, but in the video, at 44 sec. when you see him lying on the ground, there’s so much blood on Crutcher’s shirt that I think it was obvious he was dead. It looks like she shot him right in the heart & killed him instantly.

Becasue the NY/NJ bomber is more valuable than an average Black man. He’s a terrorist the cops can grill for more info & turn that arrest into a promotion. Whereas the Black man or boy is just trash they’ll have to pick up after they shoot him.

But it CAN be done, Sunshine. First off, store your toothbrush in the medicine cabinet — spraying problem solved. Then just stop letting your cat out. He won’t like it, he’ll cry & complain a lot at first. If you haven’t had him neutered yet, do that. Bring lots of toys into his environment, esp. a nice big cat

I’ll take feral cats over being infested with mice & rats any day.

When you trap them to spay them, you’re supposed to give them a breakaway collar with a bell. The bell considerably decreases their success at hunting birds.

It’s not hate. I think it’s just that as a couple, they read like she married her favorite Lab puppy. Dax seems like a perpetual Peter Pan type, despite having a kid.

That’s the only reason I’m gona watch tonight, to find the answer to that mix-up. Which they will prolly drag out for several episodes. This show loosk way too vanilla for me, so I doubt I’ll make it past tonight’s episode. I’m not big on sitcoms.

But he’s not banging, nor is he her boss, so they won’t care.

Julia gets a free pass for even being out in public this soon after her loss.

Dump knows he can’t win without a sizable chunk of the Black vote. But does he really think a lame move like this is gonna do him any good? The 2 chickenheads bitches, Diamond & Zircon or whatever their names are, that show up at his rallies frontin’ as Black Dumpsters are clearly on his payroll. And the Black pastor

Because she is untrustwrothy & dishonest. That’s not just a perception, it’s a huge personal character flaw. Dump is a total dick & a liar, but his lies are about self-aggrandizement. He exaggerates his wealth, the shit he owns, his charitable donations, because he’s a walking orange shitball of insecurities.