
Really? I think with damages, Gretchen could have gotten far more than $20 mil. As Masshole said, she has recordings of Ailes harassing her. Those tapes would have come out in court so the world & all the Fux News fanbots would know what a cesspool that place is for women to work at. And advertisers would have dumped

Katie’s dad is a successful divorce lawyer in Ohio & he acted as her consiglieri in planning her split form Tom & hiring her team. But Cruise is no fool. He had a public image to maintain & Dennis Wasser & Bert Fields on his team to make sure that happened. FWIW, I don’t believe there was a “no public dating clause”

There are other pre-teen geniuses around, but he won’t be spending any time with them now that he’s in college. And no 18-yr-old freshman is going to hang out with a 12-yr-old. Of course his idiot parents want him in college at 12, it’s a feather in their cap. But the admissions staff should have know it was not in

No, Dino YOU are the disgusting one who needs to grow up! Rape Has Consequences, for both the victim & the rapist. Brock the Rapist is finding out now that having a judge who let him off lightly doesn’t mean the end of the consequences he faces for violating that woman.

I despise Cheeto & I think food trucks are a great thing. Until you get someone who started their truck with no permits/licensing 2 mos. after arriving here illegally & who has dysentery or hook worm & is cooking your food in between running off to the bushes 30 ft. from where his truck is parked in order to take a

What a wonderful world it would be if more of your persuasion felt the way you do about sex. :)

I meant to compare footballers to other jocks, not to the population at large. But then you said “I mean, you’d have to show they are more prone to do so than those others with actual statistics, or the general population, which I find hard to believe.” so I got off track for a minute. .

The handle you use to flush the toilet is by far the filthiest thing in anyone’s house. Women are the only ones who ever think to clean it.

But maybe you should rethink that opinion.

I’ve seen that theory stated before, but it makes no sense. If you’re a single mom who’s too poor to have a car, you’d be insane to take a house out in the boonies, even with a Section 8 voucher. There are no support services out there because the exurbs were created for the Whites who wanted to get away from poor

But rural Appalachia is single-lane roads winding through miles & miles of forests with 20-ft. tall trees on either side. And deer. And bears, which are gorgeous creatures unless you’re in a broken-down vehicle full of snacks & they’re hungry. There used to be a spot along the Appalachian trail in Virginia with a sign

Waitaminute, EGWR — are you saying that there’s a subset of known sexual predators — football players who’ve been raping since high school — & some colleges recruit them anyway to improve their team’s stats?

Mark: I found this in the LA Times:

WAIT, WHAT? SO Musk WASN’T covered because that was a test run? And if Musk ain’t covered, Fuckerberg ain’t covered either! BWAHAHAHA!

Oh, so Musk was covered.

REALLY? So Elon’s hasn’t actually lost a dime of his own $$ in all this at the end of the day? Who writes insurance for something that over-the-top — LLoyds of London?

You’re right, he hasn’t actually advanced a damn thing. One of his Tesla’s caught fire in France a few months back, so he clearly hasn’t got that sorted yet. I think Musk is out of his league with this space travel thing. He’s smart, but he’s clearly no rocket scientist. This Falcon 9 debacle shows that he apparently

You’re right, I forgot we started out comparing jocks to jocks. My bad.

Well, hockey’s far more violent than football & I can’t ever recall reading about a hockey player raping an unconscious woman & filming it. But hockey doesn’t get as much press here as football does.

Wow, Señor, you nailed it. ^^^^^^ Give this man all the starz! I guess I get it now, as much as I will ever “get” why rapists rape. But thank you for elucidating it so well.