The Grey One

I’ve never seen the show but what if it’s still really funny?

I’m guess you never had it on in the first place.

*Jesus Christ

Should have shown up in a Hilldog mask. Now, if he’s really worried I’d say buy a shotgun, a handgun, and maybe some body armor.

People should stop telling people what to do and how to think. Fuck yourself with your imagined superiority.

The guy who wants these things for Christmas lost his balls a long time ago.

My girlfriend’s birthday is New Year’s day so I have this problem too. If you’re having trouble go with 1 big gift. What are some of his general interests? What’s your budget?

Come on, it’s Christmas. Let him in the backdoor.

I was really interested in this case because at the time I had just completed my conceal carry class. They went over how to respond when you get pulled over and have your weapon. The basic rule is: keep both hands on the steering wheel and don’t move unless the officer tells you.

Not even close. Most never get charged. At the same time most are justified shootings so there is no reason to charge. This case, though, at least deserves a full trial.

Vipers are dangerous. Danger is hot. Totally would.....

If she’s willing I volunteer to bite the bullet and fuck her for you. But you owe me one.

Are there any proposals for alternate routes?

Really? You don’t have anything else going on?

I’m guessing the boyfriend had no idea she was trying this. If he did know and did not shut that shit down he should be charged too.

I hope she never gets within 100 miles of the kid.

Because the people protesting are too dumb to contact their reps and the people contacting their reps have more important things to do than protest? At the end of the day I don’t know. Just default to blaming whitey or something.

That is why you fail! Harden up!

Wish I and the country learned more about Jim Webb. I wanted to vote for him when he talked shit on the NVA or VC soldier that wounded him with a grenade. Think he’ll be back in 2020?

You don’t go to the original poem?