The Gray Adder

True, but $200,000 is way too much money for an undergraduate English degree, and there are a handful of folks who (a very small one) actually did that. Therein lies the basis of that particular strawman argument. I hate it as much as you do.

Cue wiseacre bearing strawman with $200k of debt and a BA in sociology. 

Yes, Laura Ingraham is an abhorrent human being who makes most of us embarrassed to share the same species affiliation. Can I change my species ID to F. Catus? I have laying in bed all day down cold. Purring? I can fake that. Meowing? No problem. What kinds of wet cat food taste the best?

Just get a real sedan. They throw in the trunk lid.

Don't forget about the 110 decibel exhaust package. 

I am at least two notches closer to rethinking my position about Bernie Sanders’ readiness for prime time as a potential commander in chief. If he had responded such in the debates with HRC three years ago, he might have made the superdelegates more relevant. I was unimpressed with his foreign and military policy

That’s what inauguration day is for...pardoning all the shady motherfuckers you don’t dare at any other time.

I just hope he’s being tried in state court.

What good would that do? Let him die alone in his cell.

Or rather, delay for two weeks on paper, and hope we’ve all forgotten about this stupid idea by then. Then deny he ever suggested it in the first place. Then blame Democrats for putting words into his mouth.

True that. I don’t ever want to hear another clueless civilian tell me “thank you for your service.” I joined in the early 1980s, when the Reagan recession was in full swing and war (other than the big one with the USSR) was the last thing on people’s minds. Surely there’s a way to get people to stop doing that.

Dude drives a 20 year old car “because it still runs.” He’s not your average rich NBA player.

I get my gas at a military base using an exchange (PX) credit card. The base is more or less secure and the card is useless elsewhere.

Nobody wants this shit. It endangers the one and only thing Trumps gives a shit about- his own popularity.

Neutral: ALTERNATIVES!!! Texas, for example, is home to the 4th, 5th, and 7th largest cities in the USA. None have much in the way of usable mass transit. We all live in the suburbs, and we all have jobs on the other side of town because the suburbs near work are crime-infested hellholes full of *those* people. So we

LBJ's ghost would like to have a word.

In March of 2003, I was in the all-ranks club at Fort Drum, New York, having a burger and a beer after work. I was a reservist, called up for a few weeks to support the mobilization of National Guard troops to Iraq. Anyway, the war had begun that night. CNN was on the big TV, and they were in Baghdad covering the

I drove a 1980 Chevette for a couple of years. Yeah, by today’s standards, it was a real POS. By the standards of the mid-80s when I got it, it wasn’t up on the same league as Toyota or Honda, or even Ford, but it was fine.

They do when they drive beater pickups and such.

They used to do these postmortem. Thank God for modern anesthesia and better doctors.