
It’s pretty fucking easy once you’re a celebrity with fuckwads of money to forgive everyone because all of a sudden those things that are problematic for the average punter of a particular sexual orientation/ race etc go away . Your fame and power will pave the way 

“bad luck.”  I mean, she’s friends with the guy. She said so herself. 

How do you know that Ellen is a good person?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: rich people have far more in common with each other - politics be damned - than with the rest of us.

he offered to go get ice cream with the kid to patch things up.

How cool was it that they showed W-L records, and talked about wins and losses like they actually meant something? 

Not to mention the fact that MrSensitive up there clearly doesn’t know the meaning of the word “literally.”

Holy fucking trigger warning batman. 

Bands that are a pain in the dick to search for, in no particular order:

I haven’t been this mad at Cousins since Grandpa died without a will.

my man only knows one way to play: FULL THROTTLE

Confused and angered by their departure from the natural order, Humphrey was determined to see the Browns choke.

I live in Canada, and I know her. A lot of us know her

That was his STEP-dad. His real dad brought happy meals because it was his weekend.

I’d take my son being a gazillionaire baseball player any day.

My son can wear whatever he wants while making $330 mill

“That’s what a true Yankee star does, gift your fans with some swag and then leave them crying.”

“Oh, sure, when a Judge in Florida makes kids cry by giving them his bat, it’s filed to Things We Actually Like.
-Roy Moore

You guys aren’t looking at the big picture. It rains diamonds on Neptune. Diamonds. What a score. If only there were a crew crazy enough to pull it off.

Folks, that’s our kind of banger