
I totally agree, I will NOT pay for another data plan when I never even get near the limit of the one I already have.... It is time for that "One Data Plan to rule them all" Giz talked about way back in 2009...

@dudikoff: I work for the government and you would be suprised how many times a week I receive a 'reply all' message to a Agency wide email ummmmm wait I work for the government carry on SMH!

@Y2KGTP: Thats a great idea but it would make that area bulky but still a great idea...Someone get on this!

@pancakepalooza: Professional athletes also, it seems they can spend 100 of thousands on cars but can't find a good tattoo artist I mean it will be on your body FOREVER!

@meatbag_pussrocket: HTTPS isnt free it is an added cost associated with using it by site host...That is why every site doesnt have it...

@Joel Johnson: Hike instantly brings forth the image of hills, trees, and wilderness to me, and I think thats how you intended it to be taken but if were using 'hike' figuratively ummmm why the hell didnt you take a cab?Sheesh!

The real question/concern is if ur hiking why does any1 need a laptop with them? I am of the mind that when your doing nature stuff it is in order to unplug from the matrix not take the blue pill with you : (

@RainyDayInterns: I totally agree with you an officer becomes the perfect citizen soon as he dons that blue uniform...Just a few weeks ago there was a shoot out in Baltimore more than 40 shots fired thank goodness the boys in blue were there to save us all but ummmm wait the cops were the ones shooting ummmmm at

@Arken: No its not u misread a lil... The 1st 6 digits are always 4xxxxx for Visa the 2nd digit is not specified as with MC, Disc, or Amex

This chart is flawed because Blackberry's arent counted unless of course they are trying to say Blackberrys are "dumb" phones which in that case I have no problem with, ummmmm carry on...

@countjackula: I went to VA Beach one year with the Ex and there was a huge surf competition me being a City Kid this caused me to have a permanent O_o all weekend...

@JonThomasDesigns: As too am I, best thing to come out of Redmond in a long time...

@CommodoreRake: The SK was the mother of all of these social based smartphones...It had an App Store, still the gold standard of keyboards, Cloud backed up, and Duarte designed it (the father of WebOs and now HoneyComb Googler)... It may not be what you want now but respect the architect...

@Dabamasha: BBM, the people I know are literally addicted to it...They know their phones aren't up to par (none are corporate users). Regardless of the lackluster browser, lack of apps, and lousy touch screens (Storm2 SMH!) they refuse to give up that 'R'...

@ravenzero: Ok thanks, ironically I did a search after my post...The lack of a star made me unable 2 edit my comment : (

I was under the impression these "best of" lists were talking about products presented at CES...Correct me if I am wrong but did Notion Ink intro anything new about the ADAM at CES?

@ganeshprasad.r: I was under the impression these "best of" lists were talking about products presented at CES...Correct me if I am wrong but did Notion Ink intro anything new about the ADAM at CES?

@Almightywhacko: I like Launcher Pro because it has minimalist design, I agree ADW has more options but some times less is more...

@vinod1978: Those 1 million downloads were not from the Google Marketplace Rovio did not offer Angry Birds thru the marketplace initially...