
If I were trying to give "good white people" the benefit of the doubt, I'd tell myself that the things they say are meant for "bad white people"- said in order to let racists know that racism is not normal, it is in fact unacceptable, and that racists are not the majority. After all, this is what I expect of men in

Thank you for the input! As others have said, I'm sure I would have loved it as a twelve year old, and I'm pretty confident she would too. Pissing her parents off is what I'm most concerned about. Thanks again!

I actually love this version of the song. Just wish they had cast someone who can sing. God bless you Cameron Diaz, you're lovely and obviously trying hard, but you shouldn't be in musicals.

Does anyone know if Rookie is appropriate for at 12 year old? Or is that too young? She is already saying "nothing" when you ask her what she's up to if that helps.

Thank you. Sympathy is greatly appreciated!

I'm going to take this opportunity to ask if anyone has any ideas on getting rid of Bartholin's Cysts? I have one that will not go away! It's not painful or infected or causing any real trouble- but it is unsightly and causes trouble with my menstrual cup.

Some people take everything way too seriously.

If Taylor Swift can make it in NYC than anyone can?

It was really part of the fictional show Girls.

Beyonce wishes she were FKA Twigs.

I guess you missed this part:

Put the song Two Weeks on your ipod/music player, lay down in the dark and just listen.

Observe how his cultural biases are laid bare by these statements:

Now playing

And with that the Jezebel we knew and loved was gone forever. You are one talented and amazing lady. You will be terribly missed around these parts but I'm certain your impact will still be felt all over the interwebs. Best of luck to you, Dodai. Happy Trails!

I feel like any time you dissect a single story and try to make it representative of all human interaction it will always wind up being problematic. Hans being a jerk in Frozen does not equate with Disney saying all men are untrustworthy. #notallmen!

Are you me? Am I you? I used to pray my Mom would leave my Dad as a kid... You're much more evolved than I am though. I still judge her even though I wish I didn't :(

A sincere thank you to GM for finally doing something about the comment system! I've been trying really hard to avoid seeing any of the stolen pics.

OMG. You're astoundingly idiotic.

It's worse than that- we all have to fuck before a jury of our peers now.

Damn, girl.