
I have solid evidence that chicks love the pussy

At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.

Pretty much. There was an episode of Deadwood, where Al grabbed Trixie (basically his head prostitute) by the pussy. Previous to this he had beaten her, insulted her, and done many bad things. When he did this she left. When they later made up she called him out for “grabbing her snatch” and he promised going forward

“I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

Um. Donald. This is simple battery AT BEST and actual sexual assault at worst.

I can’t really imagine that in even the most mutual, long term, consensual relationship being “grabbed by the pussy” is a positive thing.

Bush literally took 2 and a half YEARS of vacation over his 8 years in office. If Obama’s 3 and a half MONTHS of vacation time has cost 80 million dollars, then surely Dubya’s was in the trillions.

Guys. Guys? Guys.

You take that back! Pecan Pie is delicious.

OP said nothing about trans people, at all. caitlyn jenner has proven time and time again to be a right wing jerk who doesn’t care about anyone but herself and her politics are directly responsible for the harm of trans people.

As a middle-aged woman, this comment has put me off reading them.

You are correct - this is an incredibly unpopular opinion.

There’s a distinction between wanting your art to receive attention/appreciation and yourself to receive attention/appreciation. It’s cruel to insist that every person who wants their expression to be heard must also open up themselves, even against their own wishes. It’s not necessary.

No. Artists create art for people to enjoy. Beyond that they don’t owe people shit.


That America is being taken down by a combination of celebrity worship and petulant whiteness is a pretty good argument in favor of a god who loves ironic punishments.

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

I think ten million would be more than enough for me. Invest it wisely and I could live wherever I want and do whatever I want for the rest of my life. But then I’m not an extravagant person at all. One million could keep me comfortable for a few decades. I could get nicer pants, a nicer place to live and travel more.

Australia obesity & over weight rate sits only a few points behind the USA & is one of the fastest growing in the world. Our maternal mortality rate has continued to decrease slightly on average each year. The main cause of maternal death in the USA is hemorrhage, infection & hyper tension related causes. The last

I have mixed views on this. On one hand, it sounds great you are getting what you wanted. On the other, it sucks that this means he has to do something he doesn’t want, and I can’t think of a many relationships that work out when one partner feels forced to do something to stay in the relationship.