
Indeed! She has the bone structure to carry them off. Paradoxically, a piece of fashion advice I read from her maybe in the late 70s that I still go to all the time, is that when you are invited somewhere and you are unsure of how dressy to be, wear a white blouse and black pants, and some accessories that you can

MORTAR. Mortar is between bricks. Grout is between tiles. Sheesh.

Come on now. They already had Hoggish Greedly

And Captain Planet villain-come-to-life.

I’m guessing the interior of such gowns looks like the architecture of a gothic church, complete with flying buttresses.

As someone with boobs that are almost at Niecy’s level, can someone explain to me how they look that fab in that dress? Is she wearing an old timey corset underneath? Duct tape? Magic?

And drivers always follow the rules of the road? They never run lights or fail to use their turn signals. And of course they never ever speed. To show how polite drivers are, they door cyclists, call kids on bikes “assholes”, and drive in the bike lane.

Legal wise it seems like a solid argument if he can prove it. At least from what I’ve read about wrongful termination law suits.

“I feel no pity for this woman.”

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

I’m sorry but this must be said:

Or the wealthy women who spend vast amounts of time and some money on maintaining model-like proportions.

There are a bunch of weird stories on the internet about Paris Hilton being a general Good Samaritan but always in the strangest situation possible.

Missing from the FB post: links to resources people can call to report/help addicts, decency, empathy.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at

It has always bugged the shit out of me that these cops stopped to take a picture instead of fucking helping them instantly. INSTANTLY. That child should have INSTANTLY been removed from that car and that situation and his grandparents should have been INSTANTLY assessed for overdose. Why in the fuck did they take

most, exactly true. but take heart, those shoes didnt even work for them!