
I said it last week, and I’ll say it again. One scene, just ONE scene with her and Olena Tyrell. That’s all I ever want in life.

Maybe the call it the Narrow Sea for a reason

She may have been the main/only reason that financing fell into place.

The prosecution did its job. The cops did their job. The witnesses did their job (as responsible people). The jury did its job. Everyone we want to be involved in prosecuting a rapist did their job.

Until something bad happens. Then it’s “Why didn’t you DO something?!?!”

Man: “Awww, why dont you give me a smile, I’m just trying to be friendly, you can at least be friendly back!”

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.


In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.

Why should my son be treated like a sex offender?

My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.

Not “sex.”

Never before have I heard anything but praise for her professionalism, talent, and workplace courtesy, so...

“She made sure she would never be caught alone with me, such a bitch, and I’m such a nice guy.”

The comment about her entourage seems like he wanted to be best friends with her, but she was happy hanging out with the people she already knew and just having a professional relationship with him. The nerves!

Well, I don’t want to fuck 13-year old children. #notalleveryone

I will never not post this quote.

That and government censorship.

I’m glad you keep reporting about this, it’s important to make environmental issues as visible as possible to people around the world.