
I’m definitely in the camp of wanting to support the developers. This is being made by Avalanche - correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t they the Disney Infinity developers who were shut down when Disney decided they were done with games? And then re-opened under WB to work on this, and then were almost sold off last

The desaturation of color in Final Fantasy seems to correlate quite nicely with its lost sense of whimsy. I miss the days of IX.

I think the question is, how do you make Hispanic icons that cater to all Hispanics equally (and not just Mexicans for example)?

There’s a difference between “I don’t like this and wish it was different” and “this is a problem and needs to be changed”. Way too many people don't seem to know what the difference is.

Why are we still letting whypipo decide what’s offensive on behalf of other races/cultures?

I’ll take the bait. Are you referring (as an example) the Redskins? Fair, that’s a term that was deemed offensive to Native Americas and it was rightfully retired.

Unless it’s done perfectly, then that’s where we are going.

Appreciating other cultures is slowly becoming illegal. Keep this up and foreign representation will be erased from all media, and new generations will think the whole world is American. Is that what we want?

As a Hispanic person (though not Mexican), please let me say - those emotes are totally, totally fine.

I’m Mexican and I’d like to say that I think it’s rad if you wanna put on a sombrero and drink large margaritas sometimes. It’s okay honestly.

Two rules I like to live by:

cool, move along

Imagine thinking this is a serious thing people should care about. 

it really not though. it’s very easy to follow if you just pay attention.

I think the missing context re: Dennings is that her comment isn’t hypothetical - she remembers people being horribly about her own less-accidental-and-more-malicious experience with the same.

the plot makes perfect sense if you just pay attention.

how great was that tifa fight in the church though

I get where Kat Dennings is coming from but does anyone else remember when Brett Farve was mocked for months on late-night television for doing basically the same thing that Evans did

Yall acting like this isn’t news are just exposing how deeply affected you are by it

I know this is a controversial thing to say, and my apologies if anyone is offended, but I think that Episodes 7-9 are inferior to the original trilogy.