
friends who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are fine with eating meatless products cooked on/in the same surface as meat.

I agree with this entirely. I know a ton of people these days, myself included, who follow a “flexitarian” diet, where the goal is to reduce meat consumption, not eliminate it entirely. I’ve been having fun trying different brands of plant-based nuggets, and if I lived near a KFC I’d be excited to try these.

Hello! UK reader married to a vegan, here. Ultimately people like me are the target market for stuff like this. I know - many of us know - we *have* to reduce our meat consumption. We’re the floating voters. My diet is broadly vegetarian, I know I should do more, and meat-eating is typically reserved for takeout and

I mean, system-wide change takes time, right? All the Takeout’s stories on this product stressed how long it took to go from planning to the actual menu. If veggie-based meat products keep growing in popularity in grocery stores, if more and more people go vegetarian, etc., eventually, fast-food places will devote one

I actually knew someone who said you should never talk about selling your car where it can hear you, because then it will break because it’s upset.

I don’t say negative things about my car (such as features I wish it had, drawbacks, etc) where is could hear me. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. 

never own a chrysler product.

is that a superstition or just good judgement?

And unmedicated and untreated.

He’s insane?

dude you forgot the best one... the CHILI TAG

You could probably only get away with it on something period correct, but I still love California’s sunset plate;

This is the correct answer. I have always loved their plates. 

Hasn’t this been covered to death here? Since you’re new to the States i guess we can give you a pass. And the answer is, and always will be, New Mexico.

Not a state, but here’s your winner:

You know what the worst is? Any state where these fucking yahoos have been able to get their stupid religious bullshit allowed as a vanity license plate...

hands down, this is the best license plate in the history of ever.

The original song is in either the first trailer that was released for this last year, and/or the Fraggle Rock shorts that came out in 2020(?). I assume it’ll be part of the new show 

It looks pretty good, although I’m sad to see that “Doc” appears to be gone from the human side of the wall. Also, what’s the deal with Apple TV having comments turned off on the YouTube video?

And Mr. Mom!

It really is a shame we couldn’t live in an alternate universe where he was about 15 years younger and could have starred in Nolan’s films. I would love to have seen that happen.