
Someone will release a car which everyone here will hate because of the stupid grill, the rest of the car will be fine though.

1. Don’t travel. Actually being contrarian helps everywhere. 

I like to think it was his dad’s.

How did he get all the way to the plane?  He should have been stopped... or he wore a real mask all the way there and then switched over to make his pathetic statement?

I mean, worst case he gets COVID, best case he catches something else from the panties themselves, which I must believe he stole. Either way, as a liberal, I feel owned.

Blah blah blah CUV who cares. They revealed the G70 Shooting Brake and this is the Genesis to buy. Except it’s Europe-only because the world is cruel and the North American market buys the wrong cars.

lol, denial is not just a river in Egypt. This might be my favorite David stuff ever.

Just like before, it’s probably pedo misapplication.

This sounds like a driver error, the amount of times people mistake the brake pedal with the go more faster pedal still amazes me.  But with all them fancy cameras and tech shouldn’t the car be like, “Hmm, you have seemed to pressed the accelerator, and there are humans directly in your path. I’ll just not take that

it looked familiar:

Hi, “Toyota says it will invest $70 million in electrified vehicles (hybrids, plug-in hybrids, fuel-cell vehicles, fully electric vehicles), with half of that investment allocated for 2022 to 2030 EVs.

Sorry, was that Billions with a B?  70 million will get you the seats.

Unpopular opinion: Having recently rewatched the Tobey Spider-Man movies (only watched them once each when they first came out), I couldn’t believe how poorly they aged (mostly acting & the CGI). I remembered liking them a lot initially but good god, there’s not a whole lot to like.

Likely he “has” to have a SUV because of the 6000 GVWR rule for businesses.

shut up shut up shut up the design is the only good part of this car

You say Pacer like its a bad thing. 

I’d argue the C8. It looks good from the front....but hot damn that ass is ugly! Looks like it was designed by hot wheels in 1993.

Thanks, I feel like we’re very much in there minority! But they’re missing out in the end, not me, I guess.

I really wish they had at least one more season to find themselves. I can’t side with the “worst thing ever” crowd, as I had fun watching this myself and thought Jet was done incredibly well. I liked the banter between the crew and some of there narrative changes. There was a alot that I took issue with, primarily

20k OTD? Not in this market...but I do agree that if this person has a good salary with steady income perhaps financing a new or almost new car might be the way to go.