The Church of Bill Hicks

Thinking about his relationship to Tim Horton’s, maybe always is the wrong word...

By the way (Too late to edit):

Oh right, you set up a perfect triangulation of videos that look neat, feel good stories about boys and men (I don’t even want to know what that’s about), and in-depth D&D discussions as your sterling and unquestionable model for internet discourse across the board that cannot possibly merit any further discussion.

You produced pap and pretended it was substantial. I mean, seriously, a subreddit that’s devoted to videos that look neat is supposed to be your sterling and unquestionable model for internet discourse across the board?

Also, when I pulled up that autistic comment, it was not yet downvoted to hidden status, and I bet you were the one who got it there. Very clever!

I like it. Subtle, quick. Weaponizing snark/ridicule came up in a discussion I read a while ago about how acceptable comedy material changed. It would be interesting to delve into how effective differing responses are.

Yeah, but they tend to ruffle feathers...

“There are several parties where people act appropriately.”

This guy is Holofernes. Mayhap not an object of pity, depending on one’s perspective.

Still dodging? Still no citation? If you can’t produce a single example of a well-moderated space,

I’ve seen some very small subreddits that are well-moderated where trolls and hate are dealt with decently, but disrespect is still rife and often goes unaddressed.

Care to divulge any of the subreddits that have eradicated trolls, hateful comments, and disrespect?

You cited Reddit as well-moderated, and it is a veritable cesspool of trolls and hate.

I scanned back looking for some of that evidence, all I found was whining about strawmen and idiot liars. Care to refresh my memory? Remember (I know this is hard for you), that your claim to defend is “always respond,” not “kinda generally respond but more than Twitter.”

“not responding to an instance of disrespect is always accepting it.

You can’t find a single smart person in the field that agrees with you that every act of disrespect needs a response

Silence doesn’t have to mean you walk away, you just don’t feed it.

Any person who has spent time camping can tell you walking away from a lit fire is a really bad idea unless you’ve taken active steps to put it out. 

there are also counterexamples where bad actors on social media had content deleted or were banned and got to cry “Free Speech” and bask in martyrdom, getting more power than they deserved.