
Shouldn't it be more like Hailstorm or something?

Sounds like you have some culling to do.

The travel sized one is not pictured.

Take your meds.

Someone once tried to convince me that there was a Rock n Roll Hall of Fame - they almost had me going until they claimed it was in Cleveland. I mean, really.

I don't see Sneak King on that list.

We live within quick walking distance of two really cool theaters that show good movies, are locally owned, and notably cheaper. We've always been so proud to support them. But lately for some reason taking the 30 minute drive to the corporate megaplex doesn't seem like such a terrible idea.

Sunday was my third time in an AMC theater recently, and I'm loving these ridiculous plush recliner seats. Five stars.

It's no Ruggles of Red Gap but it's pretty darn good.

Get out of here! Stalker?

Ten Little Interns

Anyone think to call the front desk at Mar-A-Lago yet? He may be in an intelligence briefing.

Forget it, Bill. It's Little Rock.

So far the Trump years feel like an extended acid flashback.

Hack the planet, people.

Not everyone who's morbidly obese knows how to use a computer.

Wow, that's really terrible.

The nukes are dropping any day now.

Mary Alice.

THEN rub it in.