
"I'll be right back."
- Hillary Clinton

They got legs up to here!

That's correct - the teenage son didn't show up, so they gave the seat to a standby.

Look you really need to shut the hell up.

Children are always held accountable for the comical stupidity of adults.

This is utter nonsense you've written. So yes.

Very big fire.



Is that the one with the Castle guy?

I hope Luke Skywalker beats them all up with his glowy sword.

Wow Josh Gad tweeted something. Fucking craaaaaazy.

Where did you get those glasses?

Still an asshole, just blessedly quiet.

There's no treatment for that anyway.

Eventually, they'll do away with that garish white and just give you black. Then eventually, they'll do away with all that uncouth sound and just sit you in a dim room with a copy of the script. Then, eventually, it'll be in braille.

Apparently you've never heard of this guy called God?

This is how the real life version of The Stand actually begins.

Oh, I think I've done quite enough of that at my current salary.

I going to march straight into my boss' office right now and demand a raise.