
He's an oozing boil on the face of humanity.

"this seems to suggest that the studio doesn’t see any reason for holiday-season releases."

The Empire Strikes Bareback

Now that's a date I've not heard in a long time. A long time.

Wait, they said that? They really said that?

It really surprises me to learn that a vocal, Trump supporting conservative has only a tenuous grasp of his own native language.

We're talking the original blog from hell.

I wish I could say I did nozzi that coming but it's Trump.

Not Phoebe!

They sold like 10 million copies combined so I would say that, yes, you're all alone.

Which one's the queen?

I can confirm that…I have also heard this somewhere.

It's been weird watching him in anything besides WTD, since I'd dismissed him as terrible based on that and was introduced to him there. Turns out, he's great. Even The Accountant, a pretty meh film, is made notably better by his presence.

That too.

You don't have to dress well when you look that good.

I cannot fucking wait to hear Chris Pine do a goddamn Scottish accent.

No, the Bruce. So that's what you call him. You know, that or, uh, His Bruceness, or uh, Brucer, or El Brucerino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.

This makes me want to see a version of Fury Road played out entirely on mopeds.

He was always an asshole.

Usually, getting an ass-chewing from Bill Clinton means something entirely different.