
If I recall correctly, the managers all looked like the brain bug in Starship Troopers.

These are, nevertheless, far better than the humiliating red and white striped ones I had to wear back in high school.

To fully understand the ramifications of Chaffetz not seeking reelection you first have to understand his role in the government. Now Chaffetz was born to a three-legged bitch of a mother. He was always ashamed of this, man. And then right after that he's adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz. He's a small time gun

Does Michaels kill with a loofah?

Yeah, but she didn't know that.

Katie Rife actually sent me an email in which she threatened to beat me with a sock full of quarters if I went to see Passengers.

My biggest problem with Passengers was the fact that Pratt apparently couldn't get a decent breakfast but was for some reason allowed to drink all the high end booze he wanted.

1967: That's good!
2017: That's bad!

I am so fucking exhausted.

More sense, really. Jack Sparrow's far less irritating.

It's going to turn out the whole series has just been one long prologue to an adaptation of Feersum Endjinn.

I'll see her again tonight when I go to bed in my head movies.

I hated that.

I don't have much hope for its success.

They'll call it the Red Red Wedding.

Which one?

Better dressed, maybe.

In the books he's got an army of psycho-kids, which is pretty scary.

His films are entirely pedestrian.

I'm Team Waldo because the Bebe's sound like dicks. Also, I don't care.