
Did he sic Zeus and Apollo on Jimmy?

Al Capone's Bane.

Even worse than Stoner's Pot Palace.


That's a bloody outrage, it is. I want to take this all the way to the Prime Minister.

The Night Manager 2: The Ice Machine Is Broken

I'll probably need a nap after that, too.

I read that whole thing and now I need a nap.

Man, that Very Bad Things was a terrible goddamn movie.

If I know the internet, this whole don't comment on things you don't like thing is really going to take off.


Everyone loves yurts these days. It's all yurts yurts yurts.

Don't leave us hanging here, for fuck's sake.


I think they're lovers.

I always love hearing that a famous Hollywood figure has been married for 37 years to someone I've never heard of, rather than 37 times in one year to a revolving door of marquee names.

Sure they can, it's called the Gulag.

When does Judge Reinhold make his appearance?

Well that may be, but I blew out all the memories going that far back on weed ages ago.

Is it both broad and bent?