
Jackman's really method.

I bet What A Wonderful Family! features you and your brother.

Wait, they took the trains? Well fucking forget it then.

No, let's not.

The important thing was that I was walking into an endless war based on bad intel, which was the style at the time.

I'm sure he's got a strategery.

Saying Bush is desirable in comparison to Trump is supposed to make Trump look awful, not make Bush look good.

Terriers are my very favorite breed.

Oh boy.


Old man yells at Mao.

1970's kung fu movies are more progressive.

He so solly!

He peed on the Rep's rug.

Maybe people should just have some nice Chewlies Gum.

What about a bottle of Zima? Asking for a friend.

This could work.

I've been considering vaping as a way of getting off the cigarettes, and not wanting to look like a jackass has been what's causing me to hesitate.

Plenty of turkeys in suburban neighborhoods around here. I mean, it's a lot at once, but not entirely crazy.

The Owsla can't have you simply meandering around campus like that.