
101 wasn't enough?

Really, dude?


Can't they just have "Don't Be a Dick" warnings all over the place? Or have the PA characters vocally greet every attendee with those words when they enter the convention? Seems like a very Penny thing to do.

If banks can legally crash economies, this idea is a pipedream.

Because of the internet.

I'd like to think they'll boost the textures for the computer version but something tells me they won't...actually, why don't I ask them then saying this here. =/

The WiiU's killer app? =D

Still, didn't go with Sons of Liberty...


So, are the Bungie devs going to dress up as their characters whenever they go to cons? They really should.

I'll live

Too bad their lead dude isn't being smart with some of the stuff he's been saying recently.

Why isn't this a full fledged game?

Oh, M$, displaying their quantum wealth.

30 dollars...could be cheaper at a potential Winter Sale?

Please let it be "Soon..."

I wasn't aware it was a FPS.