
Oh man!  I was so into this game at one point.  The appeal to me was that it was incredibly complex and realistic.  You really did need to use spreadsheets (and I am enough of a nerd to love spreadsheets)!  I ended up not having enough time for a second job, which is what EVE is if you are active in your

BMW drivers are rude because the cars require it of them.  If you are not driving crazy in your old 3-series, you are just wasting it!

“Today, you can get advanced features like automatic emergency braking, lane assist, blind-spot monitor on cars that retail for less than $20,000.”

“but I think you can’t look at this without putting a great deal of blame on companies like GM for shutting down whole factories when we’re not even in a recession.”


Listen, these overturned truck articles are great, but to be really useful they need to be published about 10 seconds after the spill happens so your Jalopnik faithful can get their looting on...

My Lex cost less than a third of this (used), has all the same important options (oh noes, no digital dash, what will I do?) and also will last longer (vw 2.0t engine anyone?).  Furthermore, the Lex is bigger, has similar power numbers, and is likely much quieter since it doesn’t have a little 4-pot pushing it

“Drivers at CR who tested Navigate found that their Tesla was prone to making unsafe lane change maneuvers that a human would likely avoid—the car would pass on the right, for example, or cut in front of a car traveling at a much higher speed.”

Hey, as a mouth-breather I resent that remark!  I always film at a diagonal angle with lots of hand-shake...

With that Merc, you are waaaaaay more likely to need a trailer...

“As a side note: We need a name for used cars that look clean but are full of secret problems. “

If you have those things in it, then it is not “relatively” clean.

“The bottom line is you simply have no idea. You have no idea why someone is driving a particular car.”

I considered lowering my Rolls Royce once, but then I realized it would make it impossible to roll over the bodies of local peasants....

I wish the Supra will suffer Lexus-style depreciation, but I know I am SOL...

I bet they outspend everyone else on robot insurance sold by Alex Trebek during re-runs of CHiPS!

Heh, perfection?  This car is almost identical to the millions of “lesser” stangs being driven around by 40-something divorced women.  Give me something unique, please...

Except that your example depends upon you living for free after selling your home. If you want to live in the same area, chances are all other properties have gone up by 20% as well, so there goes your car.

I really, desperately want to hear what the teachers claim they were doing at the time of that photo...

I get only 6 hours of sleep a night because I stay up watching the lotto drawings. When I become a millionaire lotto winner, I’m going to rub it in Harriot’s face!