
““We’ve had three female, African-American mayors in a row. They were all passionate public servants. Two resigned, though,” Bubala said. “Is this a signal that a different kind of leadership is needed to move Baltimore City forward?””

Last we checked, the actual voter fraud cases tend to involve republicans.

He admitted he was using the weapon in an irresponsible manner, LOL!

The perp discharged a weapon in the commission of a felony, which I think is 10 years minimum in FL.  Enjoy that retirement, bozo!

Cheap commuter car, just need to know how to weld battery packs for when the time comes! 

“claiming that he would if he could [] but he can’t”

When I was a kid, I saw the signs for these ramps and wondered why the ramps were running away?

Daywalkers?  Is this a Blade reference?

“A human would notice the ice cream truck with kids around it and slow down beforehand, or at least be prepared for a kid to do something unexpected.”

“which is what makes creating self-driving cars so hard. Let’s say a child is walking down the sidewalk, for instance, all fine and normal. But then it sees an ice cream truck across the way, and darts into the street, as children sometimes do. That sort of behavior can make things tough, and why getting it right is

A year ago, I bought a nicer, newer, Japanese luxury sedan with way more features for about the same price. CP

“ This may be a kit car but it’s one with actual providence”

WSJ: BEVs and Coal pollute more, so....get rid of BEVs?

Where is that Easter Bunny when you need him...

May sexual predators be subject to a million Tims!

I feel so bad for my neighbor. She is a single mother with two young kids and works a low-paid job.  When she bought an Avenger using financing, I almost wept for her.

This is just plane silly...

“It doesn’t matter what Lamborgotti Fasterossa newfangled machinery you’ve just spent millions buying, it will get its pants blown off by this American-made machine. “

Know what?  I’m gonna cover my very normal car with camo wraps and drive around Detroit until I am featured on Jalopnik.  Then I am going to laugh...

I agree that American cars tend to be as bad as any...